Fighting with partner and toddler in daddy phase

Hi ladies. I need some comfort. My fiancé and I are in a massive argument about him not doing little bits around the house (like closing the baby gate or leaving our 1 year old alone in the garden so he can call his mother!) And my 1 year old is in the daddy phase and I feel really alone and left out.

Yesterday this all started on Easter and when I tried to talk to my fiancé he just walked away and said all I do is moan which I wasn't, he asked me why I was down and I explained it to him. Last night/early this morning it was his night shift turn and instead of doing it he just left the bubs with me and slept downstairs. So at 4:00am when my son woke I went to find my fiancé and left bubs on the bed with my fiancé and went back to bed. About a minute later he was in our room moaning that I was irresponsible for doing that and I shouldn't have left him there downstairs with him but I should have called him up instead. I told him he was the irresponsible one by not doing his daddy duties and letting me rest (I'm 23 weeks pregnant with our second and I'm always exhausted!) But his response was: I hate you! I want you gone!

I was hurt and couldn't believe he'd say that and especially in front of our child. He is 1 and I'm thankful he doesn't understand language yet. I told him that he can go if he wants but I'm not going anywhere and he needs to stop acting like a child. He tried to get me to go sleep downstairs which I refused and went to sleep. Our son in the middle and him on his side.

Today I tried to approach him and talk but he didn't want too. I asked if he wants to separate and he said he doesn't care. I tried to talk to him again and his response was again: I don't care leave me alone.

My partner is very childish and if he feels he is wrong or been wronged then he will try to hurt you with everything he can think of like saying he doesn't care or that he hates you. I find this very frustrating because it's like talking to a 12 year old child and not like talking to a 38 year old adult male.

I'm not writing this for opinions or pity but just for some moral support as my son is in the daddy phase and only wants him and my fiancé is being childish and obviously not wanting to discuss anything so I feel very alone and hurt right now. 😕