I miss himmm 🙁


Okay so I’ve been dating my bf for about 2 months now and about a month ago ( on Mother’s Day) I almost lost my virginity to him. Things were moving really fast between us because we’ve kinda had a thing for each other for 2 years, but we only stared talking about 2 months ago. So I almost lost my virginity to him two days before lock down. And since then I’ve only seen him once briefly the day before lockdown. And it’s been hell not being around him. He tells me everyday how much me loves me and misses me, and I miss him too but lately I’ve been feeling really low without him and I’m so scared that if this lockdown last too long it might ruin things.

I’ve talked to my friends about this and they tell me that whenever he speaks to them he talks about how much he misses me. Honestly I don’t think that I could’ve found a more perfect guy 💞