Toxic Masculinity

Fellow parents, I need some advice. I have an 8 month old son. Before having a son, I was oblivious to all the shame men get for simply being human and having feelings. My husband and I have a friend renting out our basement apartment. And every single day when my son cries, roommate mocks him and calls him a cry baby. He tells him to “man up” and stop crying. On top of that, my son is frightened at loud noises and is very sensitive to yelling/sad or angry faces right now. Yesterday, roommate repeatedly made a frown face at my son to make him cry because he thought it was funny. Then he would make fun of him and mock him for crying. Now tonight, my husband was putting him in his pajamas, and baby was crying because I was not in the room. My husband “rawr’d” in his face loudly, and scared my son so badly he started shaking and peeing while screaming. Obviously I was extremely upset and kicked him out of the room, calmed down my son, and put him to bed. My husband then proceeded to message our roommate and essentially make fun of me for being protective over the baby, and mocking me. The reason this upsets me, is because the world is already so cruel. I don’t want my son to grow up and think he needs to bottle all of his emotions so he can be a man. I don’t want my son to be scared to express himself and communicate with me because he gets made fun of every time. I know this may sound foolish, but I am so extremely upset that I said I will move back in with my mother if this doesn’t stop. I won’t let my child be a laughing stock. He is only 8 months old! That’s how he expresses his needs and wants! Let alone what this will do to him in the long run. I don’t know what to do. Am I over reacting, or is this a legit problem?? What would you do?!