Similar symptoms to previous pregnancy/pregnancies?


Wondering if there’s any 2nd, 3rd, 4th, +, time mommies out there who’s symptoms during the TWW were very similar or completely different than a previous pregnancy of theirs? Im currently in my TWW window for baby number two and I was looking at my symptoms leading up to my positive test for my now 1.5 year old son and I realized I had some symptoms starting as early as 4-5DPO which for this round will be tomorrow for me. I’m just curious if any of you felt exactly the same during your TWW as any of your previous pregnancies or if they were extremely different! Please share your stories!

I think I’m most curious if I will have tender boobs this time around or not. I noted that I had sensitive breasts at 4DPO my first pregnancy (which would be tomorrow for me this time around). Even before I was pregnant I had EXTREMELY sensitive boobs on a daily basis, I could hardly walk without them hurting, my best friend nicknamed me “tender tiddies” (😂) and now that I’ve had a child and breast fed for almost a year they don’t even hurt during my period anymore.