help pleaseee:(

I’m in high school and I started talking to this boy inconveniently right when we got out of school for Corona. That means we’ve been on quarantine this whole time and we’ve really only been able to talk through FaceTime which we do often, but it’s also just weird because I can’t see him. At my school, he’s a class clown and literally anyone could tell you that he doesn’t take anything seriously. But we’ve gotten pretty close over the break and he’s started to tell me really sweet things like “you deserve the world” “I would never hurt you because that would just be hurting myself” calling me beautiful etc. I just feel like he hears these things from the internet and then says then because they sound good, and because he thinks that’s what I want to hear, not because he actually means them. Maybe I’m just more protective of my feelings, but we aren’t at that serious of a point in our relationship. It just makes me insecure and worried, and of course he’s really sweet I just, I don’t know:(