Small for her GA😞


I am a skinny and petite woman, my boyfriend is built like me. Were generally small people. I have been measuring small throughout this entire pregnancy, they kept saying it was probably normal because of our sizes. The last sonogram i had at 33 weeks, they said would be my last one because i wasnt high risk and she was healthy. At that appointment they said she fell into the 14th percentile with her size around that gestational age, they consider anything in the 10th percentile and under, small for their Gestational age. So she was just about borderline small, they said not to worry and all was normal. I went in for an appointment yesterday at 36+3 weeks, and they measured my belly with the ruler for not even 3 seconds and decided i was too small and needed another ultrasound. Shes now falling in 9.8 percentile, and they said they needed to decide if she is that small because of her father and i or if something else is wrong... They hooked me up to a doppler and contraction belt and had me wait half an hour to monitor her heart. Now i have to have an ultrasound and them hook me up to the doppler and contraction belts at every appointment until they figure out why shes small. Basically deciding if she would be better off staying in or coming out. Her and i both were completely healthy throughout this entire pregnancy and now that the schools have shut down, my boyfriend has to miss my appointments now because I have custody of my nephews and no under 16 is allowed in the building, so he stays in the car with them. Of course when he is no longer able to go in with me and im all alone, something goes wrong. That was one of the worst experiences of my life doing that alone, not knowing if they were gonna send me over to L&D right then or not. This virus needs to finish its course and go away!!!😫

On the upside i got to see her unexpectedly, that was the light in the tunnel through that whole appointment! She would NOT move her hand for the tec to get her face though.😂

And this morning I realized that ive started to lose my mucus plug! I dont think this girl is gonna make it to May!