Five hours from beginning to end

Five hours from beginning to end. 38 weeks 4 days. Sound asleep at 3:45 AM, started timing for 1 hour and contractions were already 7 minutes apart. Called my Dr. and they advised me to head that way, but don't rush since it was my first. Took a quick shower, but by the time I got out, contractions were 4 minutes apart. Threw everything into the car and left immediately. Arrived at hospital triage by 6:45 AM and was already 7cm. My husband barely had time to park the car before they were wheeling me up to delivery. By the time, we got upstairs, I was 8cm. Didn't have time for an epidural or an IV line. Barely enough time to try the bathtub before the midwife had to break my water because my baby was coming so fast. After that, I was 10cm and ready to push. Pushed for 1 hour and she was born at 9:02 AM! I can hardly believe it all! Fast and furious, our little was ready to meet us! 💜❤️