*please read* DESPERATE FOR HELP😭🙏🏼

My baby has been unbearable for the past couple of weeks. I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’m doing something wrong. If I’m in the room she’ll play for a little bit then scream for me but even when I hold her she continues to scream. If my husband watches her and I leave the room, she’ll scream for a little bit when I leave but then be fine and play with my husband. But the second I walk in the room she wants me and will whine for me but continue crying and whining even when I hold her. She’s so whiny! I always make sure she’s fed and dry and I just can’t figure it out. I’m with her all day everyday while my husband works so is she just overly attached? But if that was the case wouldn’t she be soothed by me holding her?

Her sleeping has been ehhh. I try to do 3 hour wake windows with 3 naps that usually last for one hour but sometimes she won’t go down for that third nap and she’ll stay up until bedtime and the rest of the day she’s a nightmare.

I don’t get it and I’m losing my mind. Idk if she’s teething, I don’t see any teeth but she has been chewing and drooling a lot and running temperatures on the higher end of normal (100).

We’ve gone through the typical rough patches of sleep regression and fussy phases but this is like a whole new level!!!! I’ve never felt so frustrated/overwhelmed as a mom until now. I will take ANY ADVICE PLEASE I’m so desperate!! Thank you in advance!!