UTI and quarantine???

I have a definite UTI and I know because I’ve prone to them unfortunately and the last one I had became a kidney infection (got it treated) but anyways the UTI is back like usual.

Because of the virus i don’t want to go into the doctors but I’m desperate for some Antibiotics. I called my doctors office told her my symptoms and asked her if there was a way to do a video conferencing or anything without coming in so I can get antibiotics but she said they need me to come in to do a urine test.

I told her I would think about it and call back if I decide to come in because honestly with this whole virus I’m way too scared to go in to the doctors office, I’ve barely gone to the grocery store.

What should I do? Should I call my gynecologist office and see if they will prescribe me because she does have it noted that I get reoccurring UTI’s? Or should I go in to my regular doctors??

Once this virus is under control I definitely plan on going in to figure out any underlying issues cause the UTI’s but for now I just want some relief 😭

*thank you everyone I called my gynecologist and she is gonna call me back to see I we can do this without going in!!!

*she sent a prescription in! She just said to let her know if they didn’t work so we can do urine analysis! Thanks everyone!!