Anyone nursing


Due around Christmas

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I'm still nursing my 19 month old and am due 12-01-2020 according to LMP


Lisa • Apr 15, 2020
We’re due in December too but closer to Christmas, that’s an amazing accomplishment, my Lo is almost 12 months if she’s still nursing by then she will be near 19 months as well


Posted at
I’m still nursing my 14 month old. Due December 17th.


Ms. Velociraptor • Apr 16, 2020
This is my second go around nursing while pregnant. I have an older child who is almost 3. Him and my current youngest are 19 months apart. I was even able to tandem nursed for a few months. If anything it makes me more tired and hungry/thirsty. And I’m not taking anything other than a prenatal. While nursing the other one and pregnant, my supply dropped but he didn’t want to stop for anything, he dry nursed throughout my whole pregnancy. I’m usually only nursing now to get him to sleep, before nap and bed time or if he doesn’t feel well.


Lisa • Apr 16, 2020
How are you feeling? We have babies in the same age groups , how much are you nursing? Are you taking anything besides a prenatal?


Posted at
I am to my daughter who is ab to be 7 months


Ca • Apr 16, 2020
I’m only taking a prenatal for now. I am trying to drink a lot of water so my supply stays up. Hope to continue this until she’s close to one but I know my milk will change around 5-6 months pregnancy


Lisa • Apr 16, 2020
How are you feeling? Are you taking anything extra besides a prenatal?


Ca • Apr 15, 2020
I’m 6 weeks today. Edd is dec 8!


Posted at
My 14 month old has a renewed interest...she tried popping one out when I was in a virtual meeting yesterday. She self weened at 10 months.


Lisa • Apr 16, 2020
Mine nurses at night still maybe 2 times? And about 3 times during the day but mainly just when she’s tired out of comfort


Ca • Apr 15, 2020
And more formula. It was unfortunately when I got the flu that we had to end completely. She nursed to go to sleep until then.


Ca • Apr 15, 2020
My supply had tanked when I went back to work and we blew through the freezer stash. So I started supplementing with formula. I offered less boob abd


Posted at
I am nursing my almost 18 month old!


Meg • Apr 16, 2020
Do you plan on tandem nursing or weaning your older child?


Lisa • Apr 16, 2020
We could be having babies in the same week !


Meg • Apr 15, 2020
According to when I ovulated I am 5 weeks 2 days!