He’s here!!!!!


Birth story long read sorry but I’m so excited

April 12 Sunday started having contractions 6 minutes apart had some of my bloody show then Monday I had more bloody show and lost some of my mucus plug but contractions still 6-7 minutes apart so I was getting really discouraged but Tuesday morning at like 4-5 am I started having really painful contractions they got to be 2-4 minutes apart and so I started timing them for real at 7:51 am I was bouncing on my ball duding contractions but they still weren’t fun lol I waited until 8:51 to take a shower do my makeup finish packing my fiancé took a shower and got ready and then at 10:30 we went grocery shopping 😬😂 that was awful walking around in labor getting food but oh well so then we go home try to stop at Popeyes but they said no mask no service (thanks Rona 😑 ) so we were gonna stop at the in n out near base but the line was huge so I was like fuck no take me to the hospital but then cause I was starving we were like ok let’s go to the McDonald’s on base nope line too long so we just go straight to the hospital I walk in at 12 they check me I’m 4.5 cm -2 station so they admit me at 1230, I get the epidural at 1:30 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I take a quick nap the doctor and nurse come back in at 3:00 and check me I’m 100% effaced 0 station 8 cm dilated so they decide to break my water at 5 pm they came in and checked and I was 10 cm dilated then I threw up everywhere lol and after that they wanted me to do practice pushes 👀 my epidural was so strong I didn’t feel anything no pressure nothing but the nurse said I was an amazing pusher and to keep doing whatever I was doing so I did after a couple pushes I was feeling nauseous again and I ended up actually vomiting him out instead of pushing they said he just shot out 😂 18 minutes of pushing and 6 hours of labor and my baby boy was born April 14th 6:01 pm 39 weeks 3 days 6 pounds 12 ounces and 18.5 inches long I only had a tiny internal tear and my epidural is finally wearing off