Need hcg checking. Hpt not getting darker either

My doctors response is go to A&E just because I need blood tests for hcg monitoring

Like wtf. I'm sorry its just made me mad. With coronavirus going on and A&E being Accidents and EMERGENCIES why would they send me there....😤

I have miscarriages however I have been blessed with 2 ds. This will be my 3rd miscarriage in a row if I'm miscarrying so last time was told straight away to come in as soon as I get a positive. I left it a week with the pandemic going on just kept testing (biggest mistake as my tests for 4 days stayed the same on 1 brand and all 3 days are the same on another brand but higher sensitivity)

but like why tell me to go to A&E. They are doing phone consultations but are still seeing people they are seeing people if they know they are safe to see and if people need bloods, other tests etc doing.

I'm trying to find the number for my local EPAU and pray they will see me instead but I've misplaced the number for them 😔

All have a second line just doesn't show up on the photos well.

Yesterday with smu I did a clearblue digital and got 1-2 weeks.

LH Tests showed positive on Saturday 28th, the darkest line being pm. Still positive 29th am but by pm negative. So if I ovulate 48hrs later from first positive that means I'm over 4 weeks pregnant.