I really need some positive stories! 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant.


I ended up back at the ER yesterday (4/14/2020) because I had gotten rear ended and have been experiencing a lot of consistent cramping, well of course they gave me an ultrasound and took some blood. Well my hcg levels went up to 12,500... and obviously it’s hard to tell if they doubled Since the last time I got my levels tested on 4/09/2020), which were 2,791..

The ultrasound still only showed at gestational sac, no fetal pole or yolk sac. I guess since my number was so high, I thought 💭 I figured they would have seen more! So while I’m in pain, the ER doctor wanted to diagnose me with a threatened miscarriage... so not only am I in pain, I’m also stuck with worry. My follow up ultrasound is next Wednesday, and I’m gonna be a mess until then! I don’t wanna go thru another miscarriage. I don’t think I can handle it. So any similar stories with positive outcomes would be appreciated!