Weird spotting

Megan • @themrsmomma mama of 2 girls. blessed ~~

You guys... it has been 8 years since I had my second baby. We’ve been talking about #3 and we decided go for it. 4months of trying.

Well, here am I. I think I’m possibly pregnant but see, I had my late period and it last ALMOST two weeks. One week of regular, then it just kept going with brown or light pink spotting.

So that’s when I finally took test and it came back positive 3 out of 4.

I thought to myself, okay...I think I’m pregnant.

Now, I’m back to spotting.

It’s just weird. I know it is normal to but to me, I feel like it’s not. It makes me little worried. This is why I haven’t told my hubs confirmed if I’m pregnant or not.

I’m trying to get hold of my OBgyn to see if I can come in for pap smear and test for pregnancy and see what dr say... but with all of this Covid-19, it’s not helping me either😩😩

Have any of you experience to something similar like this?