First Cycle After Increasing Letrozole does to 5mg. I was sure I was ovulated but now I’m not sure.


After two cycles taking Letrozole 2.5mg, my doc increased my dose to 5mg because I was still ovulating late in my cycle (cd 21 and cd 23). I was so excited when I got a strong +opk early on cd 14 and then saw a huge bbt increase on cd 16. I even had some mild cramps on cd 15/16. However, after that increase my temp has fallen for two days in a row making me question whether I actually ovulated or if this was a false start (i.e. my body tried to ovulate but didn’t).

I’ve been charting for 5+ months and my temps don’t seem to follow any predictable pattern, which has been incredibly frustrating.

Do you think I ovulated? Would you continue to BD every other day just to be sure?

Thank you so much for your help! Baby dust to all.