Faint BFP and scared due to previous chemical


Hi all!

My husband and I went through a chemical pregnancy in October last year. We took a couple months off from trying per my doctor to let my body recover from that. We started trying in January and then this month we weren’t TRYING trying.

Anyway, I was 10-11 DPO yesterday and all of a sudden felt like I wanted to take a test even though I knew it would be negative. But to my surprise, there was a faint positive at 4;45 PM.

This morning, I took another test at 8:15 AM with FMU. It might be a tiny bit darker but I honestly don’t know if it is. The one from yesterday is the

Top photo and today is the bottom.

I know I need to get my shit together and calm down but I’m terrified honestly of having another chemical. It was really hard for me... I know a lot of people feel it’s no big deal, but for me it was terrible emotionally.

I don’t know what I’m looking for in the post here! Maybe just validation that it’s okay to be nervous or any advice other women have from

Their own lives?
