38w Check.


Finally hit 38wks and was hoping I progressed from 1cm to 2 but I’m still stuck at 1.

Cervical checks hurt and it’s a bit frustrating not seeing any progression.

Anyone have tips on how to dilate further?

There’s a curse on my moms side where the women don’t dilate and end up having c sections but I really pray I don’t have to get one so I’m trying to dilate on my own.

Any tips or tricks would be very much appreciated ❤️

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Posted at
Had my 38 today and I’m not dilated at all but 50%. My doctor said she’d entertain the idea of induction at 41 weeks. This boy is NOT coming out! No female in my family has delivered natural because they never progressed on their own so I’m starting to feel like I won’t either


Posted at
I went yesterday too for my 38 week check and I hadn’t advanced from 1cm (my 37 week check) either!!! So frustrating/ I want this baby out ASAP. But I scheduled an induction for Sunday if she doesn’t come by then.


Posted at
I dont have an appointment until friday so uo jntil right now im still at 2cm and 50% effaced but keep in mind ive been this say since 36 wks lol im currently 39 wks now.My doctor recommended i do squats, or getting a birthing ball to bounce on, qnd walking a lot. Which ive been doing and have yet to see progress. At this point im starting to think its all bullshit and giving up on hope that i dont go past my due date next week.