What do you think of these grandparent names?

We’ve recently told my family we are pregnant with our first child/their first grandchild.

My MIL is called Lola. I don’t know where this came from but I have never been a big fan it however, all her grandchildren call her this so it’s set in stone.

My mother wants her and my dad to be called “Grrrrrrrand-mama” and “Grrrrrrrrand-papa” with long, rolled R’s.

To me, it seems....a bit much, especially for a little one to start saying with the way she wants it pronounced.

I know she’s excited but I just don’t know how feasible the name is with how dramatic she wants it pronounced all the time. I’m trying to be open minded and offer other name suggestions (and haven’t heard from my dad on what he wants to be called) and not be a Mama-zilla about it because this is their first and I know they are excited.

But still...this will be what we, our kids, and my 4 siblings and their future kids will all call them eventually. I don’t want it overly complicated for everyone.

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