

Finally purchased our stroller, we went with this one it’s the Evenflo double stroller. We can use it as a double stroller or a single. We have a 2yr old and I’m due next month! Anyone else have this stroller?

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Posted at
I just got this one as well, very excited to use it!


Posted at
Me! I purchased this one with my first who is 16 months because I knew I wanted a second one close! I love this stroller, he sits so high up which he loves, but we will see what it’s like with two on it! My only “complaint” about it is the latch that locks it is kind of a pain to undo especially with a toddler and the weight of the stroller.


Posted at
I was SO close to buying this. I was debating between this and the graco modes. My toddler walks really well 95% of the time so I wasnt sure how much use we would get out of it being a double. The graco though, I can just put it as a bassinet when we walk and in the off chance my toddler needs to chill, I can easily switch to toddler seat and carry baby in carrier. We were ready to grab the evenflo and then when I went to buy it I noticed the modes on sale for almost half price so got it since it was original choice. Plus we had a chance to try out the modes in store before everything closed but found the evenflo after so didn't get to check it out in store and didn't want to blindly order!


s1 • Apr 15, 2020
Wish I would have known about it the last time I was able to go into a store, by the sounds of it I would have purchased it if I was able to see it in person first!


s1 • Apr 15, 2020
Ahhh I didn't realize that or the evenflo probably would have been my end choice lol


Imaley • Apr 15, 2020
You can set the toddler seat to a bassinet with this stroller as well! It has so many configurations! I’ve been trying to decide for months, all I’ve seen are great reviews for this stroller I hope it works just as good for me! But I heard Graco strollers are great!!


Posted at
We went with the evenflo gold, we have a 15 month old and then due with little man, setting the stroller up was easy. Now just waiting on little man to arrive so we can actually put it all to use!


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I’m registered for that one as I have a 22 month old as well. We have the single version of this stroller and loved it other than some difficulty steering at times.


Alexandra • Apr 15, 2020
We got the pivot travel system with my daughter and the front wheels drive me nuts!!! Other than that I love this stroller. But the wheels in the front suck 😁


Posted at
Me! Haven’t tried it out yet but have high hopes! I think I got an older version. It was on sale at sams in November for $200 including the infant seat


Imaley • Apr 15, 2020
Wow that’s an amazing deal!!


Posted at
I have this one! I havnt tried it out yet either, but excited to put it together this weekend and see!!!