13 days late still bfn.....



I am never late af comes like clockwork every month. My last period was March 7th so ovulation was March 18 or so. My husband and I did the deed most of that week just to be sure. My period was due April 1st and yet still nothing. I took tests but still negative. Going to keep positive but any advice....

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Posted at
Same here my last period was March 5. Was suppose to start first week of April. And I’m still waiting been taking test but all neg. I think it was a vvvfl on the one I took this morning. But not sure retesting in the morning. Do you have any symptoms?


Al • Apr 15, 2020
Same here and I also have nausea.


Danielle • Apr 15, 2020
Sore/tender breasts, headaches, so tired all the time, and lower back aches


Posted at
Same boat as you :/My last P was March 6 Was suppose to start last Thursday- so 6 days lateI had spotting april3-5... I really think it was IBJust got a bfn this am 😭 R any of you planning to go to the dr for blood test or am I being dramatic ? Lol I’m considering Baby dust us all ✨✨


Danielle • Apr 15, 2020
As much as I want to run and get blood test done I am going to wait a little longer. This is my second child and I did not take test with first until I was 3 months along so just going to be patient and not worry.


Posted at
I'm 3 days late still bfn aswell 🙏🤞


Posted at
Do you know that you ovulated?


Danielle • Apr 15, 2020
Yes because during that time i get mild cramps and cm becomes slippery and clear