How long do I wait?


So yesterday morning, I called my midwife because I've been extremely itchy. She wants to test for cholestasis. They cant order the test, so said she would call my dr and have him order it and then call me to let me know. A few hours she called me, and realized I have an appointment with my OB in 3 weeks, so she would call them instead, and have him order the test and see if he wants to see me sooner. Ok fine. I havent heard anything since. I'm starting to get other symptoms, maybe TMI but since last night my stool has been going white. I'm getting nervous and want to get this done to either put my mind at ease if I don't have it, or prepare for early baby if I do. Should I give them a few days? Call for an update tomorrow? From what she told me she just needs a requisition sent to the lab and I can go, so I didn't think that would take days? But results also take 7-10 days so I feel like its crunch time if it takes them days and days to get me in lol