milk supply tips


So around 2 months old I started supplementing with formula for the sake of my sanity, I felt like all I did was pump and nurse, which required me to sit in one spot everyday. I got so much anxiety.

Fast forward. She’s 3 months old and my milk supply has dramatically dipped, I pump twice a day and I’m only getting 6 oz total. I want to get it back up! Idk why I’m suddenly so upset that I don’t have enough but I want her on my breastmilk for longer! Especially with this pandemic happening I want her to be swimming with antibodies. So I ordered a Freemie pump and plan on using it alll the time. I felt the restriction to the wall plug is what made me slow it down. Do you guys think more pumping will help get it back up? I also will sometimes soothe her by nursing but she has a habit of wanting to look around so she constantly detaches. I get so scared I’ll wake up one day and my supply will be completely gone 🙁 any other tips will be greatly appreciated.