Husband says I deserve that I was raped

At the age of 8 I was raped and abused for months by my aunts husband who is my godfather and their son. I told this to my husband and he was always "supportive",

Today my sister and her husband come over and my shirt is getting pulled up from behind while we are making some masks. I tell my sister to pull it down. Then my husband is looking for some socks and I had just finished washing so the basket was in the living room I was bending over looking for his socks at a 180 angle from my BIL. No were near bending in front of him. So they leave and I go to the restroom while my husband is getting out the shower and he starts telling me all this crap how I was bending over and my shirt. Then he says that I don't care if other men look at me that I should know better because I was raped. So I get in the shower and he's still talking shit and says "you are never going to learn" and I say "so what you are trying to say is that I should get raped again to learn my lesson he says and I quote "you better shut the fuck up" .

Months ago he told me that it was my fault that I was raped.

Sorry I don't feel like going in to detail but this is some of the shit I've experienced with him.