Missed period/pregnancy symptoms

So I have an irregular cycle because of a hormonal balance with my ovaries and my periods are never “on time” which has been super stressful and annoying but anyways this time I’m 6 days late and I’m not the type to get symptoms if my period was coming or anything like that and lately I’ve been so nauseous I haven’t ate a full meal in a few days only little snacks bc the smell and thought of food makes me wanna throw up and if I do it i feel like I can’t even keep that down. I’ve lost 4 lbs recently. Mind you I haven’t puked yet but been super close to just nothing has actually came out. This all started with ovary pain that I’ve never felt before which was odd and then I’d get headaches and started getting nauseous and it’s been just getting worse each day and it’s affecting my sleep and super uncomfortable. My mom is saying I’ve been acting different lately too which I literally have been laying in bed all day trying to sleep as much as I can and hold down being nauseous. I have had no spotting, no blood at all or any sign that my periods coming at all. I took a dollar store pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was negative but my mom thinks I’m like her where pregnancy doesn’t pick up on urine tests only blood tests... so I have to call my doctor so I can go get bloodwork done but all my symptoms are

- VERY nauseous

- headaches

- bloating a lot

- on and off stomach cramps

- sharp side/back pain

- cold symptoms(stuffed nose, sneezing lots etc)

- food adversions for sure

- very tired

- TMI sorry but increased discharge and a mix of watery/creamy lately

- peeing a lot more

- had ovary pain a few days ago it went away though

What do you guys think? Could I be pregnant?