FTM, have I failed?😩



My baby was in nicu 3 days after she was born and my milk came in late so they fed her formula using a cup.

She’s 9 days old, now prefers to use a bottle to feeding on my breast. I always thought i would do strictly breastmilk but i am beginning to think maybe i can’t.

My nipples are not pronounced so we probably have a latch problem, she just cries and struggles on my breast.

Can i still make her prefer breastfeeding or am i too late and have to stick to bottle feeding (pumping is serious work)? How can i achieve this?

Please help! Thank you

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Posted at
Even if you try every suggestion and they happen to not work(praying they do) YOU HAVE NOT FAILED.. I repeat..YOU HAVE NOT FAILED!! You want to know why??? Because as a mother you will come to the realization that as long as your baby eats and is growing healthy you’re doing great, whether your little one is breast or bottle fed! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Thought I’d put it out there.


Ju • Apr 16, 2020
Thank you, i got really teary reading this 🙏🏾


Posted at
Whether breastfeeding works out or not you have not failed ! You got your baby the intensive care she needed and you got her fed. You did an amazing job !


Ju • Apr 16, 2020
Thank you for the encouragement 🙏🏾


Posted at
Just always try to put her in the breast .


Elizabeth • Apr 16, 2020
But also, as others have said, you have not failed. You are doing great!


Ju • Apr 16, 2020
Thank you, i will try to pump first and look into getting nipple shields.


Elizabeth • Apr 16, 2020
You can try a nipple shield too


Posted at
No matter what you didn’t fail... maybe you just had a shorter journey than others! You’re doing amazing and baby is allowed to have a preference. My son cried constantly with nursing and we only make it to 3 1/2 months before he completely refused... and guess what when it was all said and done we ended up happier just doing bottle... so either way do what you feel it best for baby and your mental health!! I agree with the nipple shield! My son would only use the Medela nipple shield tho... the other brands he refused. And Linsinoh makes a latch assist that can drawl your nipple out some if you think that’s part of the issue. Many lactation consults are doing virtual appointments. So that could also be a good option if you’re willing to try it!


Ju • Apr 17, 2020
Thank you, i just purchased a nipple shield so we’ll see!


Posted at
Nipple shields!I used them on day one to help my baby latch. Once baby is latched for a couple of minutes, take baby off, remove the shield and have your baby latch straight on your nipple. Have your baby latch on on much as they want in order to regulate your milk. This could be even every 20-30 mins or so but every baby is different of course.Wishing you the best!


Ju • Apr 17, 2020
Thank you


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Try to see if you can get a hold of a lactation consultant. Or try a nipple shield its what i use its much easier for them to latch


Posted at
Nipple shields!!