Needing mental supprot

I don’t know if I’m still in shock, but it feels like I’m not pregnant. Maybe cause I’m only 5 weeks, but I can’t go into my OBGYN to get a blood test until week 7/8, and I’m freaked out about it. I’ve been taking a cheap dollar store test every two - three days to see line progression and they seem to stay the same. For YEARS I thought I wouldn’t be able to have kids, let alone hold a pregnancy to term. I was on the IUD for 7 years, then the NuvaRing for 7 months, then nothing for the last 5 months and got lucky on month 5. We weren’t trying but it’s a blessing. However, I can’t get out of my head about miscarrying and how I don’t think my body will handle this well. I’ve been having “all day” morning sickness and lower stomach cramps. The cramps come and go, but they’re mostly in the morning. I’m also VERY bloated. Can someone speak some easiness into my heart? Thank you 😔