vivid dreams a sign ?


Sorta long , sorry...So for the past 5 days or so I’ve had these vivid dreams and normally don’t have many especially ones I remember... the first 4 were of my SO cheating on me in some sort of way and the last one which was last nights was me being in a hospital holding a tiny healthy baby girl assuming I gave birth was in a gown and my aunt and cousins were there to visit. what crazy is even my dad asked my mom if I was pregnant cause I’m starting to get a belly back...last person to say something like that was my brother and turned out I was pregnant 2 weeks later. I’ve had sore breasts beyond belief and cramping here and there (had spotting 2 nights ago) and nauseous with certain smells or tastes. I’m 8/9 dpo believe I ovulated a day or so early though trying to stick it out until missed AF but going crazy over here. Any ladies with similar stories turned into BFP?