How much have you gained so far in your pregnancy


I got fat shamed by my DR. Because i gained alot of weight this trimester. I now have to be "mindful" with what i eat... i eat about 2 meals aday because i work over night and usually have healthy snacks during the night to keep me going. I dont bing on sweets or junk. Strawberries and apple and peanut butter are my go to. So i think lack of actually exercise is to blame... I never been this big in my life but honestly its all in my ass and thighs and i love how my body looks. 🤷‍♀️ mind u i was 160 when i started (im 5'7) and hit the scale at 183 for my 25th week check up. i feel great though. I will start some pregnancy yoga to help with my strength..because i get tired fast during sex lol

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