Anyone else have a baby that doesn't like food?



He's will eat oatmeal, reluctantly. Everything else we've tried (just purees so far) has been rejected. Sometimes with puking, LOL. Thinking he's just not ready? Even though he's almost 8 months (born 3 weeks early).

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Have you tried not giving him purées? Try giving him something he can mouth himself, like a banana part way peeled.... also if he shows interest in what your eating, give him if you were to sit and eat a snack with him on your lap, see if he reaches for your food and if he does- share 😊 Obviously you’ll have to make it baby friendly.


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My little guy hates purées but loves food. He goes nuts for scrambled eggs and spaghetti :)


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It might be worth trying BLW and 7months plus foods. My niece is 8 months and would gag or vomit on purees at first so when she was 7 months her mum started to give her baby rice and pasta and baby crackers and stuff and she loves it... she now eats purees as well as thicker foods.


Dani • Apr 18, 2020
Worth a try!


Posted at
Mine hates it all haha. We’ve tried purées and baby friendly finger foods like shredded cucumbers, avocados and bananas. He is not a fan of anything but we keep trying!


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Mine. What a struggle! For the last week she has been better. She doesn’t like fruits. Likes veggies and oatmeal. But no. She doesn’t open her mouth, I have to shove it in. Eats about 5 spoons (baby spoons) and begins spitting food.


Maria • Apr 17, 2020
Nah. Better to suffer together 😆


Dani • Apr 17, 2020
Is it bad if this made me feel better?


Posted at
I have. He is not showing interest yet. Bananas he just smashes and ignores, LOL! I'll keep trying. :)


Britt • • Apr 17, 2020
Just keep trying is the best you can do. Good luck!