Just... exhausted...


I really don’t have the words to express how I’m feeling right now... At the end of last year, my husband and I agreed that this would be our year to conceive— I’m almost done with my next degree, we just bought a house. We felt excited for our next steps in life. When this outbreak started we kind of stopped trying because of the stress- I work two jobs that were begging me for overtime and I’m trying to juggle school. Last night I broke down, because I want more than ANYTHING to be carrying our baby, but I’m tired. I’m exhausted. I’m gutted by what I’m seeing day in and day out. How could I possibly carry a baby into this mess of a world? Could I really protect this baby? I just feel defeated. I come home every night, decontaminate myself, eat dinner and sit at least six feet away from my husband. I started sleeping in a separate bedroom from him because I’m TERRIFIED of accidentally getting him sick. I just don’t know how to cope with this new normal that we’re living in..

-An Exhausted ER Nurse