Who’s wrong?

So my boyfriend gets off at 7. Texted me at 6:30 wanting me to get him a drink at a store. I told him if he could wait so I don’t have to leave because I’d rather not have to unless it’s for work or a grocery store. He gave me shit for it said it’s sad I won’t do anything for him and it upsets him. That he does everything for me and I don’t do anything for him. All because I didn’t want to get out and get him a drink when he gets off in 30 minutes. Could I easily get him a drink? Yes. I don’t want to because I want to follow the rules on only leaving the house if it’s essential. IMO that’s not essential.

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Posted at
oh he is such a baby.. very dramatic like mine 🤣


Posted at
I hope this is not repetitive behavior like this. I hope he oversees your wellbeing and does go above and beyond for u. If he doesnt.... then makes u go out of your way for a drink then idk. If he said he hd a long day and would appreciate if u could do thatbfor him.... then maybe i could see cuz sometimes we just need our partners to be there. If he just randomly asking for u to go get him a drink then..... i dont know. My husband would just get it hiself if he gets off in 30 minutes. Otherwise.... he would ask me during his shift to go get the drink so he could have it when he get off
I hope this is not repetitive behavior like this. I hope he oversees your wellbeing and does go above and beyond for u. If he doesnt.... then makes u go out of your way for a drink then idk. If he said he hd a long day and would appreciate if u could do thatbfor him.... then maybe i could see cuz sometimes we just need our partners to be there. If he just randomly asking for u to go get him a drink then..... i dont know.  My husband would just get it hiself if he gets off in 30 minutes. Otherwise.... he would ask me during his shift to go get the drink so he could have it when he get off


Posted at
He's a cry baby he's already out he can get one and shut his trap lol


Posted at
What a stupid thing to argue about lol