Is it normal to gain weight on the pill?

I’ve been taking the pill for two weeks now and I’ve gained 6 pounds. I still eat the same way and exercise. I’m now 230 pounds and I was trying to lose weight before I started the pill now it seems like I can’t get back to where I was. Should I just stop taking it? I mean I don’t really need it I’m not sexually active at the moment, was just using it to help my period but I haven’t even started my period yet

I did overeat at Easter but I’ve been eating normally ever since I’m not sure where this extra weight is coming from. The only thing I’m doing differently is taking the pill so that’s my reasoning for it.

Edit-Been off the pill for two days and already down almost two pounds so I’m assuming that was the reason. I guess my body just doesn’t react well with birth control. 😐