Ladies I need serious help

I stopped birth control pills last month and got a iud placed the first day of what would have been the placebo pill. The last week of the actual pill I had sex protected with a condom and once without (he didn’t cum and it lasted a few minutes because we didn’t realize it was off). I bleed heavy and then on the 5th and 8th day after getting the iud placed I had protected (condom and iud) sex and he didn’t even cum anyway and we stopped because I was bleeding a lot. The next week I had to get a new iud because I found out my kyleena was out of places and got a new one placed. And haven’t had sex or a period since...

Is the kyleena making me irregular? (I’ve had bleeding and spotting off and on including my week that should be period)

Could I be pregnant?

I tested and it was negative but you never know?

I went to the doctor and she said I should be fine but what do you guys think from personal opinion?