I can't make friends or fit in.

When I was younger this wasn't much of an issue. As I've aged and gained experiences, it's become nearly impossible to make friends. I don't know where it stems from exactly. I've always dealt with mental health issues though. I'm 27 now and have 1 friend I talk with on a weekly or biweekly basis and I have my husband.

I have a hard time with social situations, I never know what to say and I'm so afraid of saying the wrong thing... I know I'll end up saying the wrong thing, actually. I prefer to just stay silent when around other people, unless they are asking me questions directly. I find it so hard to fit in.

The only person I can be 100% and carefree with is my husband. Even if I say the wrong thing or get annoying he puts up with me and it doesn't feel or get awkward.

I feel like there's something wrong with me, like I somehow rub people the wrong way by just being around. I've had a few opportunities to make friends but I just don't know how to proceed. There's been instances in the past where I've tried and said something stupid, just trying to make conversation, and I get weird looks or told they don't care.

I'm not sure what to do or how to fix myself, it hurts my heart though. When it gets really bad it affects my self-esteem about my body or looks, which makes it harder to be confident and make friends. I wish I could be one of those people that are outgoing and people automatically are drawn to them.