First RE appointment


jessssss • mama to a rainbow baby 🌈

What are some things I can do to prepare for my first RE appointment? Questions I should ask? Things you wish you had known or done differently? Advice? Tips? Our consult is in exactly one month and I want to be as prepared as possible!!!

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Hi J,Do you have any idea what your fertility challenges are yet or is that what you are hoping to find out? It depends on how ‘aggressive’ you want to be I guess but personally, something I think I would do differently is workout our ultimate ‘timeline’ with our RE (I would have liked to move to IVF sooner than we did after having 5 ovulation induction cycles).I would also have had the big picture discussion with your partner first too so you know you are both of the same page “If this doesn’t work etc”.Other questions I would ask about various testing for you and your partner, finance/costs, out of hours contact, extra services offered (counseling). My advice, Everyone’s journey is so different. Do NOT to compare yourself to others. Breathe. Find a support network/ counselor you can share you feeling with. 🙏🏼💛💕


BA • Apr 21, 2020
@J pleasure! :) good luck 🍀🙏🏼


jessssss • Apr 18, 2020
I was diagnosed with pcos by my ob but I haven’t had any other testing and my husband hasn’t either! I love this advice. Thank you so much!


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When is your appointment?


Deziree • Apr 22, 2020
Mine is may 12th!! First time. I’ll let you know what happens 😁 I’m so excited!


jessssss • Apr 22, 2020
May 19!