My IVF story

When i did my first round of <a href="">IVF</a> my mother & sister were with me in every step, when i got pregnant I haven’t felt the “special moment” when i told them if you know what i mean, their reaction was so cold maybe because they saw it coming,

Unfortunately, i lost the baby at 4weeks4days in March 2nd, got my period a week later thought i can do the transfer right away but when i did blood test it seems my HCG was still there on my first day period it was 50miu all the way from 407miu, so my Doctor told me to wait for the next cycle and let my body recover and relax,

My period was supposed to start April 4th, but it didn’t, i called the clinic to ask if i can still do the transfer, and they told me they’re not allowed to now because of Covid-19, and they’re still waiting for updates, i felt so depressed of how unlucky I am.

April 13th, my period starts, just felt want to ask the clinic again, and..... they told me they just had an approval an hour ago to do the transfer!!

I’m so happy, went to the appointment started medications for a FET cycle there will be no retrievals or injections just pills and 1 appointment for scanning and the other appointment will be for the transfer,

I haven’t tell my Mother & Sister this time, told them transferring isn’t approved now cuz of Covid-19, i want to go with this process quietly with my husband, and if its successful i will surprise them when I’m 6 weeks after my first ultrasound,

But I’m afraid that they would be annoyed that I’m keeping it a secret, Although im so relaxed now and very positive about it,

When i lost the baby before i was working and walking a lot since i have to go to university but now I’m online studying due to Covid-19, and I’m really really hoping the baby will stick this time since I’ll be home all the time 🤍🤍