What am I??


Hey yall. I’ve been very confused about what sexuality I am attracted to, about this time last year a friend of mine came out as Bi, and I came out as bi about 4 months later. She is the only one who I talk with it about and only my very close Freinds know, my parents don’t. I like Boys in a Romantic way and think there attractive, but I don’t think I would want to do anything with him sexually. But I like girls in a romantic and Sexual way. So I’m not really sure what I am. I am also wondering weather I should come out? I’m 13 but I feel like I would be told it’s “Just a phase” or “your just confused” or “your too young to know that”. I am happy everyone so far has been accepting and my moms best Freind is lesbian but I don’t know. Any advice please?

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