Mirena help!!!


So I had my mirena inserted last year 3 months after having my daughter. I’ve had it over a year now. So I had lots of random bleeding for the first 6 months for sure and some irregular bleeding after that but nothing too bothersome seemed to be levelling out. But the past 6 weeks I’ve basically been bleeding the whole time. A few weeks ago maybe a month I had terrible cramps like really bad, I had to lie down I was getting dizzy and was bleeding really heavy. It passed relatively quick so I didn’t think much of it. Then the bleeding stopped a few days later then started up again. And now I’m bleeding yet again heavily with mild cramps. And I’ve been acting insane. I’ve been crying over everything flying off the handle for things that don’t matter, and having terrible headaches and I literally never get headaches. Just not myself. I’m really concerned something’s off with my iud. No doctor will see me currently just because of this COVID stuff but I want it out. I’m concerned it’s not going to be where it’s suppose to be. Any advice? Any similar stories? I was planning on removing it in the summer to try for another baby but I can’t wait that long to take it out I am suffering lol and so is my husband Iol.