My baby was put on a ventilator 💔


My baby was born 5 weeks early and he was 4lbs and 8 oz. I got to bring him home after 3 days no NICU time thank Jesus! Well, I noticed he was very stuffy and his nose was constantly clogged. We were cleaning his nose and doing everything we could to a 2 & 1/2 week old to make him feel better. Finally he developed a pretty severe cough. My boyfriend and I ended up taking him to the ER and they tested him for RSV. And of course it was positive. They did some chest X-rays to make sure he didn’t have pneumonia as well and he didn’t so we were thankful for that. They ended up sending us home because his vitals were okay and all the children’s hospitals around us at the time were full and couldn’t take any more patients. I took him to our pediatrician in the morning and she decided it would be best to get him admitted into a hospital just in case his vitals were to get worse. We waited for over an hour and a hospital about 30 minutes away agreed to admit him since they had better equipment than our local hospital. I drove my baby boy there after stopping him quick and grabbing my pimp and a phone charger. After about 15 minutes of waiting in the waiting room, they brought us into the ER and assessed him again and got him hooked up to and EKG. We spent 12 hours in the ER because they were not comfortable admitting him I tot his hospital after all because his vitals were getting worse. They ended up getting him on an IV and putting him on oxygen. They ended up transporting us 2 hours via ambulance to a children’s ICU because he eventually started having episodes where he’d stop breathing for 10-20 seconds at a time. We finally got settled into the Room in the ICU where he stayed for another 2 weeks at 11pm. They let me know that night they were going to keep a very close eye on him and there was a possibility he would need to be on a ventilator for his breathing. That morning at 5:30, they doctors woke me up and told me in fact they needed to put my little baby on a ventilator and they wanted to do a central line in his neck so they could get all his meds to him quickly. They asked me to step out and it would only take about 30 minutes, and a nurse would come get me once he was settled. While I was waiting, I called family and cried as I didn’t know what was going to happen or if I was going to be bringing a Baby back home. A half our passed, then an hour, then two and finally after about 3& 1/2 hours I went to the front desk and asked what was going on. The nurses were just coming out to get me and told me it was okay to go in now.

This is what I saw when I walked in. It was the worst thing I’ve ever been through. He was on this ventilator for over a week and in the hospital for over 2. Now my 4 month old is almost 15 pounds and happy and chunky and loving. I feel so bad for ever letting my baby get sick and he hasn’t left my house since this has happened.

This is him and his sissy just from Easter ❤️❤️