Vent about relationship I haven’t been able to talk about

so I was in a relationship with someone around October. i was not happy in said relationship and was being threatened with pressure points that really hurt me if I didnt tell information. when I went to break up with them, they said if I did I would be responsible for their suicide. i didnt know what to do so i stayed with them. a few months went by and I flinched at every little movement towards me. my friends all asked if I was okay with this person. i was quite frankly afraid of that person so i played it off like I was okay and my anxiety was just kicking my butt that day. it had gotten to the point where I was completely falling apart at any given moment. i remember being in my best friends car going to the movies with him and his parents when I completely broke down. my best friend decided that was enough and he wasn't going to let my partner do that to me anymore. he told his dad (our local chief of police) who informed the parents of my partner about their abuse towards me. i got out of that relationship and that person is now checked into a mental hospital. i am extremely thankful for my best friend. after i had ended things with them, i heads from another one of my close friends my ex had cheated on me with two people and proctor show me a picture from my birthday of them giving someone a hickey in our local park. im extremely glad i got out of that relationship for the sake of my mental health. if you made it this far, thanks for listening to me