Nursing Strike


Hey guys! I need some help!

My son is 7 months and 9 days. For the last 3 days he seems to be on a nursing strike. He is EB but will take a bottle no problem here and there when I need to run an errand and he is left with my husband or mother in law. He has been on solids since about 5 and a half months, mostly purées here and there but not every day. He has been introduced in the last week to a few new solids/textures such as banana pancakes with prune purée or I’ve added puréed fruit to his breakfast cereal but beyond that nothing really crazy. I also don’t feed him solids often. He gets them maybe once a day. He did get his first two bottom teeth about 2 weeks ago. I have also been keeping my niece who is 2 Thursday and Friday all day since daycares are shut down where I live at the moment which can make those days a little crazy for us, she’s a handful. He has been arching his back and pulling away from the breast often but other times, usually when he is sleepy, he will finally eat. He has been waking often at night to nurse which has been exhausting. He has also been a little extra whiney lately which isn’t like him. I have tried to do some research as to what is causing this nursing strike but I’ve just been overwhelmed with so many different answers. He isn’t running a fever and he doesn’t seem to be cutting anymore teeth that I can tell. Hopefully I can get some advice from any moms who are going through this or have been through this! I’m desperate! 😩