Can someone help me out with this?

I know it’s not love related or sex related but I am 21 years old. I currently live with my boss from another job and honestly she is like my second mother. I love her, but I’m ready for my own place. My credit is in the beginning of the 600s. I’m working hard on building is after a family member used it without my knowledge. I don’t really want to do a apartment because you basically just wipe your ass with the money, I would like to look into maybe a small home? Like rent to own and possibly get a first time home owners loan. If I did that, by the time I’m in my 50s the house would be paid for. To me it just makes more sense then renting an apartment that’s never really yours. How does that work? Like, do you pay the mortgage and the loan separately or is it all combined until both are paid off? If someone could give me some insight that would be great. I’m trying to do this within the beginning of next year❤️