Birth story- LONG 💙
Went in for induction on 4/14/2020, started Pitocin right away and got to eat lunch as well. I was already 3 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced and at station -1 for the last few days. I was having contractions prior as well. I was 40 weeks and 4 days and TIRED of being in prodromal labor.
We got there around 10:30. I asked for epidural at 1 and got it closer to 2. My doctor and I had a plan to get it earlier rather than later due to the fact I have spine issues. It only worked on the left side of my body. All the pain I was feeling was in my right lower back/hip. Baby was sunny side up, I had back labor the entire time. They tried adjusting the first epidural but it didn’t help. They ended up doing a second one, which was a life saver!! Honestly, I was terrified of the epidural but it was not bad for me at all. The hardest part was sitting still through contractions.
Finally I could rest somewhat and wait until it was time to push. It was close to midnight and I was ready to push. I pushed for 2 hours. Baby was rocking and going down like he was supposed to. However, we were both getting tired. His heart rate kept dropping and he wasn’t getting where he needed to be. So they came in, and through pushing, (which wasn’t painful for me but super uncomfortable, it really does feel like you have to poop and it’s just not coming out 😂😂) the doc came in and discussed forceps vs vacuum. I said I don’t care - whatever is recommended and will get this baby OUT! I felt like the doctor was so slow in explaining risks and benefits of each - which I know they have to but I didn’t not have the energy to comprehend what was happening.
Okay - the scariest part. Warning it’s kinda graphic sounding.
They put the vacuum on his head to help him come out. There were like 30 people in the room it felt like. I could hardly keep my eyes open. The vacuum popped off! My husband said blood flew everywhere and I honestly thought his head came with it. I was terrified. They told me that it happens and it’s okay. So the next contraction came and they were telling me to push as hard as I could and honestly I thought I may have passed out for a minute. I couldn’t hear anything, my eyes were closed, I was sweating, my nose was stuffy. Every time a contraction came I thought I was going to puke. It was awful. The last contraction, they put the vacuum on and tipped me back somewhat and all of a sudden I see a bunch of people surrounding me and doctors pushing on my belly to get him out. Seconds later I felt him come out. It was the wildest thing I have ever felt before. They laid him on me. He was all purple, but wiggling like crazy. He was not crying, which was kind of expected with the trauma of the vacuum and he had also pooped inside the womb too.
They took him to the warmer and my husband followed. He eventually started crying and they said he was 7 pounds and 13 ounces. 21 inches long. 💙💙💙
They had to work on him a bit, but eventually he came to me. When he did I could not stop crying. It was the BEST feeling in the world. I could not believe this tiny human came out of me. I could not believe I pushed him out (with support of course lol). I felt love, discomfort and empowered and more love all at the same time. Also exhaustion. Lol. I kept looking at my husband, he was so scared at first his face was white. He was amazed just as much I think.
We went home 24ish hours later.
Everyone is doing great besides my extreme tailbone pain. If I didn’t have that, taking care of baby would be so much better. I can hardly sit up or sit down without crying. I’m hoping stretching and time will help, but not too much time - hopefully. If anyone has experienced this and has tips let me know. I can’t sit on my butt. I can’t get up without it hurting. Lo


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