Another am I pregnant post..


The last time my husband and I slept together was 7 weeks ago. Shortly after we hit the most unexpected and insane and dramatic bump in the road and we’re currently working on our relationship/finances/future. We’re in an emotionally fragile place to say the least.

I wasn’t on birth control at the time because I’m still nursing our 10 month old, haven’t had a post partum period, I thought things were great, and we weren’t trying but not preventing a third baby.

Lately I’ve been getting cramps and twinges, am breaking out, and veryy occasionally I feel light headed or nauseous. The possibility of being pregnant has been creeping in since I have no period to go off of.

I know the answer is to take a pregnancy test but I’m part uncomfortable and partly don’t want my husband to even know I tested if it’s unlikely. We’re in a weird place.

I did take a cheap ovulation test because I have those on hand and it was negative. The LH trick I would think would show positive by now if I was pregnant, right?

I also feel like I’d have a ton of obvious symptoms if I was like 9 weeks along. I have two little ones and am not a stranger to pregnancy.

Also, with my first my post partum period didn’t come until she was 18 months and it took a while to get pregnant after that. I feel like the chances are low of me being fertile so much earlier this time.

Does it seem more likely the tiny things I’m feeling are paranoia/potentially my period getting ready to return?