i want privacy w/ my bf

So i have a boyfriend who Ive been dating since i was 14 and we are both currently 16. We had sex a few times when I was around 15 but then decided to stop because we knew we were too young. All of our relationship weve never had any privacy. We are not allowed to go in each others rooms and never allowed to be alone. The only way we had sex was because his mom fell asleep in the other room. Our parents found out a few months later and got really mad. Its been a while since then and theyve gotten much more okay/used to the fact that we did hav sexual relations. Now being 16 we both feel like we are ready to start being intimate again but still have the same rules. Its just so frustrating because it’s something almost all teens do and I don’t understand why they cant just accept it. Im on birth control and we use condoms. Should I try to talk to my mom again or just leave it be?