No dirty diapers...

Mel • Fla 🌴 • 24 🦩 • Girl gang 💕 • Malayla Grace 03/27/14 🦄 • Liahni Jade 04/17/20 🦋 • Engaged to my bestfriend of 7 years 01/13/13 🖤💍 • IG: princess.melinez 💋

My LO was born 2 days ago. At the hospital, in the first 24 hours, she met all 8 feeds & she had 4 wet diapers and 3 poopy diapers. For the second 24 hours, she met all 8 feeds & had 3 wet diapers & 1 poopy diaper. But now for her 3rd 24 hours, she hasn’t had a single wet or poopy diaper. She is exclusively breastfed so far and eating great. Eats for approximately 10-20 minutes on the boob. Should I be concerned that she hasn’t had a single dirty diaper? She’s eaten great all day today as well, just no dirty diapers. She also seems fussier today. She’s been farting all day and seems like she might be trying to push but can’t get anything out. Anything I can do to help her? Or is this all normal and expected as her tummy adjusts to the real world..? Just wanna be sure. Thank you! 🤍