Did anyone have lots of ultrasounds in their pregnancy?

Update: thank you everyone for the helpful responses I feel way better and going to basically try to not think about it. If it wasn’t safe why would they do them? So I feel way better to know others have had many like me and have had healthy babies.

So I’m a first time mom who did

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

and I’ve had probably 16 scans this pregnancy I’m 27 weeks.

In the beginning I had one once a week from week 6-19 and at week 14 I had 2 because they couldn’t find her hb wth doppler. Other reason was due to bleeding and early scans for them checking her growth then another at 22weeks and one more at 24 weeks and I just had a fetal echo last week at 26 weeks because of increased chances of her having heart problems. Well I didn’t think anything Of them because I never heard anything bad but I made the mistake of googling “is ultrasound safe” and I saw some articles saying it’s not safe and can cause brain issues so now I’m so paranoid that somehow my scans affected her.. she measuring ahead at all of her appointments and everything looks normal with her. but after reading online I’m scared to death! My last scan was probably 45 minutes because they couldn’t get one of the vessels they needed. I don’t think I’ll have any more ultrasound but did anyone have more then normal and their baby turned out fine? When I asked the maternal fetal medicine they said it’s safe and some higher risk women get scans twice a week. But I just hope I didn’t hurt my baby by allowing the scans😕 a few articles i read stated ultrasound could cause autism or brain development issues. Of coarse this study was based on a study they did with mice. Which are smaller then babies.