Ttc baby number 2


Hello everyone, i am new to this app :)

I would just like some advice or something

Iam 20 years old i have been TTC for 2 months now for a 2nd baby.. i had a misscarrige in November last year 😔

my last period was on the 4th April & finished my period on the 5th April it was kinda bit messed up ?

anyway i had intercourse after i came off my period & then had it 4 days before leading upto my ovulation so basically had it 6 days before ovulation, then i had intercourse 4 days while in my fertile window & 2 days after i ovulated.

This morning i was lying in bed & i noticed a tingle in my left leg.. is this normal to have after your fertile window had finished as i have never had that feeling before..

What are my changes of having a rainbow baby? i had a little cramp yesterday then it went and not had nothing since. i test in 9 days

what are my chances of a baby number 2

thankyou lovlies xx