STRESSED about distance learning!


I’m sitting here in tears. Our schools went to distance learning for the rest of the school year because of COVID, which basically means parents get to be teachers. I work 9-5 on the only laptop we have in our home. Which means my children can’t even START their massive amounts of school work until after 5. This includes instructional YouTube videos, with questions to submit after, math problems, including NEW material, grammar lessons...everything they would be doing in school. Of course they “say” these kids won’t be held back if they can’t complete the work-but my kids will still be at a disadvantage because I can’t help them as much with instruction as much as other moms/dads. And also what if they do end up deciding to hold children back who didn’t complete enough?? I’m just feeling so overwhelmed. I know this is part of parenting....I just kind of wish The school system would have just said “have a nice summer!” ☹️ Ugh.