upsetting news today


so it was bad enough my last two visits ended up being phone calls with my midwife. today i got a call from the nurse telling me that the clinic is closing right now for whatever reason and i have to pick a new one and a new midwife to finish off my visits. my current midwife is only doing work at the hospital so she will be able to deliver baby but not do my checks weekly. i’m so upset i really like her this is my second baby through having her as a provider and we really get along she gets me as a patient which is very important. they scheduled me at the other clinic with a new midwife but they then said they prefer to only see me every two weeks to avoid exposure, so 36,37,and my induction is scheduled for 39 weeks already in case he’s not here by then. i have a history of high blood pressure in my pregnancies and this is so stupid to me. i get it but it doesn’t make it easier. i go in mayb 5th and ill be expressing all my concerns i just pray we all have a really great birthing experience through all of this going on right now